
Aggregated information about the schedule is exported as prefix + _schedule.csv (see Command-line Interface). The file is formatted as CSV. It only contains a header and a single entry for the whole simulation. This file contains the following fields in lexicographic order of the fields name.

  • batsim_version: Similar to the output of the --version Command-line Interface option.

  • consumed_joules: The total amount of joules consumed by the machines from the submission time of the first job to the finish time of the last job.

  • makespan: The completion time of the last job.

  • max_slowdown: The maximum slowdown observed on a job. Slowdown is computed for a job as its turnaround time divided by its execution time.

  • max_turnaround_time: The maximum turnaround time observed on a job. Turnaround time is computed for a job as its completion time minus its submission time.

  • max_waiting_time: The maximum waiting time observed on a job. Waiting time is computed for a job as its starting time minus its submission time.

  • mean_slowdown: The average slowdown observed on jobs. Slowdown is computed for a job as its turnaround time divided by its execution time.

  • mean_turnaround_time: The average turnaround time observed on jobs. Turnaround time is computed for a job as its completion time minus its submission time.

  • mean_waiting_time: The average waiting time observed on jobs. Waiting time is computed for a job as its starting time minus its submission time.

  • nb_computing_machines: The number of computing machines in the simulation.

  • nb_grouped_switches: The number of host power state transitions requested by the decision process.

  • nb_jobs: The number of jobs in the simulation.

  • nb_jobs_finished: The number of finished jobs in the simulation.

  • nb_jobs_killed: The number of killed jobs in the simulation.

  • nb_jobs_success: The number of jobs that finished successfully in the simulation.

  • nb_machine_switches: The number of host power state transitions done on machines. This can be seen as a flattened version of nb_grouped_switches over machines.

  • scheduling_time: The (real world) time (in seconds) spent in the scheduler (and in the network).

  • simulation_time: The (real world) duration (in seconds) of the whole simulation.

  • success_rate: \(nb\_jobs\_success / nb\_jobs\)

  • time_computing: Total time of all machines spent in computing state.

  • time_idle: Total time of all machines spent in idle state.

  • time_sleeping: Total time of all machines spent in sleeping state.

  • time_switching_off: Total time of all machines spent in switching_off state.

  • time_switching_on: Total time of all machines spent in switching_on state.